Any product takes its merit from the quality of its ingredients,
that is why VIGARoc™ composition is carefully selected. The formula takes its efficacy from combining efficient ingredients and studied dosage to guarantee the best of both performance and safety, and all at once. VIGARoc™ is safe and manufactured with the strict quality control guidelines following the international manufacturing standards.
Ingredients Profile:
Nicotinic Acid - Also known as Niacin. The contribution of Nicotinic acid in the synthesis of sex hormones is highly valued. It reduces cholesterol and triglycerides levels in the blood and lowers the risk of heart attack.
Pyridoxine hydrochloride -
It is known to enhance energy production in the body. It helps to regulate reproduction and fertility processes. It supplies the body with vitamin B6 supplements when it is deficient and works as rejuvenator.
Argyreia speciosa –
It mostly contains ergoline alkaloids.
Also known as Vidhara. The herb is principally used for its aphrodisiac, diuretic activities in herbal medications. It is a general tonic and is useful in rheumatic affections, and in diseases of the nervous system.
Maca –
It chiefly contains proteins, carbohydrates, fibers and lipids.
Maca is a great remedy for fertility problems, sterility, and other sexual disorders. It rebuilds weak immune system and increases energy and endurance. Maca is considered a true adaptogen.
Epimedium –
It contains Icarrin, linolenic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, sterols, benzene, tannin, and vitamin E.
Also known as Horny Goat Weed. It stimulates the production of androgen (sexual hormone) and is used in various sexual disorders like impotence, low sperm count etc. It is highly beneficial for increasing blood flow to the genital tissues.